Top 9 Songs for Your Grand Entrance

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You want to make your first ever entrance as husband and wife the BEST entrance ever - so why not pick a song that gets the party going? Check out our 9 FAVE grand entrance songs that we give 10/10 for brides and grooms.

Don’t Stop Believing - Journey

A tried and true, fist bumping, heart racing song to get your blood moving. What better way to start the party than to jam out to Journey? Men - get your air guitar ready, and ladies - you better have your hair flip perfected.

Shotgun - George Ezra

This one is a head bobber y’all. Since you and your boo will be each other’s shotgun’s for the rest of your life, why not celebrate it with a little music?

Ring the Bells - JohnnySwim

Do I really need to explain this one to you? How much more wedding can a song scream!? This upbeat and catchy song not only informs your guests on what to do (aka - ring dem bells) but your body will be boppin along in no time.

Uptown Funk - Bruno Mars

I can picture it already, the bass starts pumping, the feet start tapping to the beat and you and your boo thang start getting in the groove long before you enter the reception hall once you hear this bass pumpin song through the walls.

Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon

I think the song says it all when it comes to how you want your guests to act during your reception. Set the mood with this all-time jam and get your bridal party in the dancing mood with Walk the Moon!

Thunder - Imagine Dragons

Who doesn’t like to bring the thunder with them as they make their grand entrance?! Make it loud and make it proud with this song as you enter in front of friends and family for the first time as husband and wife.

Can’t Stop the Feeling - Justin Timberlake

You can’t NOT like JT. I’m sure he would’ve danced to this song at his own wedding. Now this song isn’t just for Trolls, but also a fan favorite for all wedding parties. You can’t stop the feeling of love so let’s get your party started!