Engagement is HARD! Between balancing family relationships and expectations, attending bridal showers and events and then also planning a wedding - it’s no wonder that engagement is considered the 7th most stressful life event that can happen to a person!
While there are so many things to think about, plan and remember as you scour Pinterest for ideas that will inspire and be recreated for your big day we‘ve narrowed it down to the top 3 things every bride should know before she starts planning her big day.
Create a budget
If you don’t have a budget for your wedding you run the risk of spending more than you have. Ever heard of the phrase “you can’t have champagne on a beer budget”? This is a problem brides face when they start purchasing services without adhering to a budget. While it can increase or decrease as you plan, it is always smart to have a goal number to keep you from spending more money than you have. No couple wants to start off their marriage in debt, so be cognisant of your budget and from there make decisions.
It might be difficult - but a budget is worth it in the end
After reviewing your budget, prioritize with your fiance the top 3-5 nonnegotiables you want for your big day. This will allow you both to start discussing your expectations for the wedding and where want to steward your money. If you’re having trouble thinking of things, try our “This or That” quiz that can help kick off the conversation.
Make a date night out of it and prioritize those wedding details - STAT!
Weddings are stressful - we know. But that’s no reason to let it take over all of your waking energy. By creating a wedding plan you can plan out the times where you can be in “wedding mode” and allow yourself to enjoy engagement with your friends and family. After all - the wedding is only a day, the marriage is forever!
Need some extra help planning? Check out some of our other favorite blogs that every newly engaged bride should read!