Find yourself putting more weight into the small things than you maybe should be? Or feeling like you’re just somehow not enough? Comparison can be a sneaky b*tch, and that’s why we’re talking about overcoming the OG thief of joy, at your wedding and into marriage.
The Swimsuit Debacle
Loving Yourself
Confidence v. Apperances
When I was 10 a girl in my class told me that I should eat more salads so I could lose weight and look like her. I remember as a kid in swim team the boys laughing when I would walk past in my swimsuit because my thighs jiggled. In high school, girls would complain about having to buy a size 10 prom dress because that was a “fat size”, when in reality I was working out, dieting and praying I would be able to buy a dress that would be below a size 12.
The Importance of Rest
Let me just start by saying that I am the worst at resting. No matter what I do, or how much I get done I am always thinking about the next thing that needs to be ticked off of my to-do list. My brain believes this crazy idea that if I don’t go to bed exhausted, then I didn’t do enough to allow me to rest fully.